Consumer Counsel Advisory regarding KCPL
August 31, 2011
Dear Consumers,
Many of you have contacted CURB recently to register your objections to KCPL's request for $9.1 million in rate case costs, $7.6 million of which would pay for outside legal help KCPL hired to fight for its recent $22 million rate increase. KCPL's request is currently being considered by the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC).
We appreciate your willingness to let us know your opinions, but would like to remind all of you that the Commission needs to hear your opinions in order for them to be taken into consideration.
Your comments should be directed to:
KCC Public Affairs and Consumer Protection
Re: Docket No. 10-KCPE-415-RTS
1500 SW Arrowhead Road
Topeka, Kansas 66604
Toll-free: 1-800-662-0027
Local call in Topeka: 271-3140
By fax: 785-271-3111
Thank you for taking action on behalf of all KCPL customers.
Kindest regards,
David Springe
Consumer Counsel
Citizens' Utility Ratepayer Board (CURB)