About Us
History of CURB
Initially, the Chairman of the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) established CURB in 1988 when he perceived a need for a stronger consumer advocate. During the 1989 legislative session, House Bill 2454 was passed and signed by the Governor. This bill established CURB as a state agency effective July 1, 1989. House Bill 2454 contained a two-year sunset provision. CURB's enabling legislation is set forth in K.S.A. 66-1222 et seq. (1989). During the 1991 legislative session, House Bill 2439 was passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor. This bill re-authorized CURB and clarified its funding mechanism and budgeting process. This bill also separated CURB from the KCC for budgetary purposes and made CURB an independent agency.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to zealously protect the interests of residential and small commercial utility ratepayers before the Kansas Corporation Commission and the Kansas legislature.
Vision Statement
To protect Kansas residential and small commercial utility ratepayers by promoting the delivery of optimal utility services - being safe, reliable and technically robust, environmentally sensible, cost-effective, and equitably provided to all Kansas utility consumers at just prices.
CURB's Core Values
- To advocate for reasonable utility rates for residential and small commercial consumers;
- To promote long-term, cost-effective reliability of utility services for residential and small commercial consumers;
- To protect residential and small commercial consumers from utility practices which are not in the public interest;
- To support a reasonable balance of the interests of present residential and small commercial ratepayers with the interests of future residential and small commercial ratepayers;
- To encourage cost-effective measures which result in energy efficiency, technological advancements, and other improvements in the distribution of utility services to residential and small commercial ratepayers; and
- To improve transparency and the accessibility of communication channels between utilities and residential and small commercial ratepayers with respect to utility services and consumer rights.
Meet our Board Members
CURB has a five-member volunteer board that is appointed by the Governor. There is one member from each congressional district with the fifth member serving as an at-large appointee. Each member of the board serves a four-year term.
- Mary Treaster, Member, First Congressional District
- Leilani Grey, Chair, Second Congressional District
- Rachel Jefferson, Member, Third Congressional District
- Dr. Danya Burks, Member, Fourth Congressional District
- Carol Barta, Vice-Chair, Member at Large
Meet our Staff
CURB employs a consumer counsel, one supporting attorney, three technical positions, and two administrative staff.
- Joseph R. Astrab, Consumer Counsel
- Todd E. Love, Attorney
- Josh Frantz, Senior Regulatory Analyst
- Patrick Orr, Regulatory Analyst
- Shonda Rabb, Public Service Administrator II
- Della Smith, Senior Administrative Specialist
- Audrey Benham, Regulatory Accountant