Let's Help Utility Disconnection Assistance
Let's Help provides a number of services and financial assistance programs for at-risk populations in emergency situations. Let's Help Inc. serves Shawnee County and the surrounding area. If you are facing disconnection of utility services, you may be eligible for receiving funds to help avoid disconnections.
List of requirements:
- Photo Identification
- Social Security Number
- Income Verification
- Utility Disconnection Notice
- 4 Consecutive Paycheck Stubs
- Zero Income Statement
- SS or SRS benefit letter
- Pension, Annuity, or Retirement
- Child Support Payments
- Unemployment Benefits
Examples of acceptable documentation for income verification, must be current (within the last 60 days)
Contact: Karen at (785) 234-6208 extension 256 for an appointment.
Let's Help Website https://letshelpinc.org/services-we-offer/.